Grants can help when you cannot afford to pay for essential items or have an unexpected one-off bill. There will be an application process, and the money will probably not be instantly available. All grants have specific criteria you have to meet. Grants do not have to be paid back, but grant providers often want to see you are taking steps to manage your budget and maximise benefits in order to avoid recurrence of the need for emergency help.
Sometimes organisations only accept individual grant applications when they are supported by an organisation, or applied for by a professional. If you are registered with Carers Support Merton we should be able to support grant applications, if we think they are appropriate.
Local grants
If you are a Merton resident with short term severe financial difficulties you may be eligible for a Local Welfare Support Grant, which does not have to be paid back. You can find out if you may qualify on the Merton Council website.
Wimbledon Guild provides grants for eligible people in Merton to help with fuel costs, bedding, essential household appliances and food as well as supermarket vouchers. Wimbledon Guild also provides support towards school uniform for eligible families.
Search for grants
There are two main grant portals which allow you to search for suitable grants for your situation.
Turn 2 us is a charity-run website with an easy-to-use grant search which tells you how to contact any suitable charities. You can register for a free account to send online enquiries and applications to charities through the site.
Lightening Reach can also let you know what grants (and other financial support) you might be eligible for, and help you to apply.